to Nov 8

World Fantasy Convention 2015

This will be my first World Fantasy. I'm pretty excited about it. Word on the street says that since this convention, which travels to a different city each year, is so close to NYC, there should be larger-than-usual attendance by industry professionals, such as agents, editors and publishers. I'm planning to network myself into a frenzy, and look forward to meeting a ton of cool people.

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to Jul 12


If you're a reader, fan or writer of speculative literature, ReaderCon is your con. It's all literature, all the time, with no other media to distract from the writerly nerdliness. At no other con in my experience are your favorite writers as accessible as at this con. You can attend a Kaffeeklatsch, a small gatherings of attendees with a program participant, chatting informally. Or the Meet the Pros(e) Event, which encourages attendees to mix and mingle with writers you've just seen in a panel earlier that day. My writing group, BSFWriters, is always there in some capacity, and also the Outer Alliance members have a get-together that's always fun.

Readercon 26

July 9-12, 2015
Burlington Marriott, Burlington, Massachusetts.

Guests of Honor:

Nicola Griffith & Gary K. Wolfe

Memorial Guest of Honor:

Joanna Russ

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12:00 PM12:00


I'm excited to be attending New York's first LGBTQ comics expo, and expecting to find some serious inspiration there. I'm a big fan of superhero fiction and have always wanted to find a spin on that genre that's all mine.

Flame Con will be a one-day comics, arts, and entertainment expo showcasing creators and celebrities from all corners of LGBTQ geek fandom, including comics, video games, film, and television. There will be thoughtful discussions, exclusive performances, screenings, costumes, and more! The expo will be followed by an after-party, also taking place at the Grand Prospect Hall. 

Geeks of all types are invited to attend and celebrate the diversity and creativity of queer geekdom and LGBTQ contributions to pop culture. 

Tickets are on sale now at

Expo hours: 12 Noon – 6 PM

Afterparty: 8 PM – 12 Midnight

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