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If you're a reader, fan or writer of speculative literature, ReaderCon is your con. It's all literature, all the time, with no other media to distract from the writerly nerdliness. At no other con in my experience are your favorite writers as accessible as at this con. You can attend a Kaffeeklatsch, a small gatherings of attendees with a program participant, chatting informally. Or the Meet the Pros(e) Event, which encourages attendees to mix and mingle with writers you've just seen in a panel earlier that day. My writing group, BSFWriters, is always there in some capacity, and also the Outer Alliance members have a get-together that's always fun.

Readercon 26

July 9-12, 2015
Burlington Marriott, Burlington, Massachusetts.

Guests of Honor:

Nicola Griffith & Gary K. Wolfe

Memorial Guest of Honor:

Joanna Russ

Earlier Event: June 13
Later Event: November 5
World Fantasy Convention 2015